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3/18/2019 06:59:00 PM

Android Q Beta 1 Already arrived, Only the pixels that could give it a try

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Android Q Beta 1 Already arrived, Only the pixels that could give it a try
Android Q Beta 1 Already arrived, Only the pixels that could give it a try

In the third quarter of this year Google will release Android q. but for all of you users pixels, these operating systems can already begin to be sampled. But remember, this is still a Beta version 1.

The good news back Google smartphone users browsed the Pixel Series. Yes! Recently Google has released Android Q first edition for Pixel 3 XL, 3 Pixels, Pixel 2 XL 2, Pixel, Pixel Pixel and XL. Beta build can be installed on the device by signing up at Pixel Android Beta Program.

Previously, the first preview version of the Android version of its predecessor can only be installed through a manual process because it is aimed at developers. The first preview of the Android, however, Q is a little different, i.e., can be received via Over the Air OTA alias.

Android Q Beta 1 is intended for developers who intend to test their applications for the new version of Android. It comes to pixels, smartphone Google hosts this indeed promised will receive updates of Android OS for 2 years.

However, very surprising if the coming Android Q also boarded the Pixel and the Pixel XL. As we know, these two smartphones powered Snapdragon chipset 821 comes in 2016. That is, the smartphone itself almost 3 years.

In may 2019, Google will be rolling out Google i/o 2019. It is estimated, the giant Mountain View this original technology will announce the latest features are loaded into the Android Q as the successor of the Android Pie 9.

Google's own Android will be releasing Q up to six editions. The first edition will come in March this year and the second will arrive in April. The development of the third edition will be released in May and the fourth was launched in June.

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Fourth build is meant for testing while the Beta 5 and 6 are going towards a Beta release candidate. The last edition or final Android Q is scheduled to arrive in the third quarter of this year. Therefore, we continue to wait for all the latest features that will be loaded by Google into the Android Q.
Via: Gizmochina
6/04/2017 07:43:00 PM


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PC desktop maupun laptop yang kita gunakan selama ini selalu menggunakan processor dengan arsitektur x86 dan x64 sepertihalnya chip buatan Intel dan AMD. Berbeda dengan smartphone android yang selalu menggunakan processor dengan arsitektur ARM contohnya saja Mediatek dan Qualcomm.

Perusahaan Qualcomm selaku empunya Snapdragon ternyata tidak puas mengimplementasikan processor buatannya hanya di perangkat mobile android saja. Pada gelaran Computex 2017 di Taiwan pekan lalu perusahaan Qualcomm menyatakan akan memperluas penggunaan processornya di perangkat PC/Komputer maupun Laptop. Langkah ini dimulai perusahaan Qualcomm dan Microsoft dengan menjalin kemitraan bersama vendor PC Asus, Lenovo dan HP pada gelaran acara Computex 2017 pekan lalu.

Prototype Motherboard Mobile PC
Rencananya perangkat yang akan dibuat dari ketiga vendor tersebut (Asus, Lenovo dan HP) adalah perangkat Mobile PC dengan mengusung processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 pada Windows 10 yang nantinya memiliki fitur mirip smartphone yakni memiliki konektifitas sepanjang waktu, baterai tahan lama dan pengoperasiannya tanpa menggunakan kipas. Dibandingkan dengan PC yang menggunakan arsitektur x86 dan x64, Qualcomm mengatakan PC berbasis Snapdragon mampu menghemat 50% daya baterai, sehingga tahan lama.

6/03/2017 12:47:00 AM


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Windows 8 adalah adalah sistem operasi windows keluaran setelah windows 7. Di dalam sistem operasi ini bisa dibilang banyak mengalami perubahan dari windows 7, mulai dari segi penampilan yaitu hilangnya tombol start dari segi performa windows 8 jauh lebih optimal alias smooth dibandingkan dengan windows 7.

Kelebihan dari windows 8 yaitu :

Windows 8 support touchscreen alias layar sentuh
Fitur search pada start menu yang dapat memudahkan pengguna dalam mencari file atau aplikasi yang dicari
Booting yang cepat
Mendukung arsitekture ARM, jadi jangan heran apabila ada tablet menggunakan sistem operasi windows 8

Untuk kalian yang ingin mengunduh windows 8 All in One bisa didownload link di bawah ini :

Windows 8 32 bit dan 64 bit All in One
Windows 8 Pro 64 bit

Windows 8 Pro 32 bit