Huawei Agreed to wear an OLED Screen for Samsung P30 Hosts Pro

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Huawei Agreed to wear an OLED Screen for Samsung P30 Hosts Pro
Huawei Agreed to wear an OLED Screen for Samsung P30 Hosts Pro

Samsung and Huawei compete in global smartphone market. But for the smartphone screen, Huawei has to pin the OLED screen Samsung-made into P30 Pro. It sounds very interesting.

In the global smartphone market at least there are currently two manufacturers are vying to be in the forefront. Yes! Both the smartphone manufacturers are Samsung and Huawei. As we know, the current Samsung still so "King" in the global smartphone market.

Nah! Although they compete, apparently Huawei has with OLED display developed by Samsung. Reportedly, the original South Korea Electronics giant already appointed by Huawei to prepare his OLED screen that will be embedded into the Huawei P30 Pro.

Samsung OLED display estimated, it not only will be used by Huawei on P30 Pro only, but also to P30. Yes! This leakage is revealed from a Weibo users who claimed that the information from people in Huawei who reportedly have reached an agreement.

Of course, there are many reasons for Huawei eventually has with OLED technology developed by Samsung. The first reason, Samsung is the largest OLED supplier of smartphone mobile induatri and have the manpower to meet the high demand.

Second, this memsatikan less leakage, though a little late for that. In addition, this deal also makes the entire process becomes easier because Huawei has to deal with only one supplier.

And last, but not less important, issues with quality control can be solved. Remember the failure of Mate 20 Pro with artificial screen panel LG? The manufacturer of the panel BOE is fine, but a lot of panels LG fails in the first week of launch and affect overall sales.

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