How to change key functions in Bixby, Samsung Galaxy S10 Series

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How to change key functions in Bixby, Samsung Galaxy S10 Series
How to change key functions in Bixby, Samsung Galaxy S10 Series

On Samsung Galaxy S10 Series there is a special button to call the digital assistant Bixby. Here's how to change the function of the button so that the more useful.

In addition to the Power button and the Volume on Samsung Galaxy S10 Series, there is also a special button to call the Samsung-made digital assistant, i.e. Bixby. Bixby button itself was first presented by samsung Galaxy series S8 and keep embedded in each Galaxy, such as the flagship S9 Series, Galaxy, Galaxy Note 8 Note 9 and the latest Galaxy S10.

Because the new, still belongs to Bixby, perhaps not many people using this button. Finally on update a few days ago, Samsung pinned a feature where users can change the key functions in addition to summon Assistant Bixby.

First of all is to update the application first erlebih Bixby in Samsung Galaxy Store. Click the menu at the top right corner and select the My page. Next select Update and then Update all and wait until the application is updated.

When it is finished, go into the settings menu selanjunya > Advanced features > Bixby key. On the menu this is the function of the buttons can be changed, i.e., Bixby became one time or twice press. For example a single tap to access certain applications and double tap to Bixby, vice versa.

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Such is the easy way to change the functions of the buttons on the Samsung Galaxy Bixby S10 series. This way can also be used for the series, such as Samsung Galaxy, S9-S9 +, S8, S8 +, Note 9 and Note 8.

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